This article is not for everyone … but for those it is for, it is important …
Thank you, Andy Patrizio, Microsoft Explorer writing for Networkworld:
Windows 10 update didn’t remove spying utility, Microsoft just renamed it
A spying utility people thought Microsoft removed was merely renamed.
Network World Dec. 1, 2015
“One of the services at the heart of Windows 10’s user information gathering (otherwise known as spying) that many thought was removed in the latest update to the operating system is, in fact, still there, doing what it always did.
The Diagnostics Tracking Service, aka DiagTrack, was one of the main culprits in telemetry and other user activity gathering in Windows 10. It has been identified as akeylogger, although some people dispute that. Given the concerns around spying in Windows 10, just the accusation is damaging enough.”